Turkish alphabet

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The Turkish alphabet contains 29 letters. Q,w,x do not occur. Six Turkish letters are unfamiliar to the American student’s eye. They are the three consonants ç, ğ and ş, and three vowels ı, ö, and ü. The capital forms of these letters are; Çç, Ğğ, Şş, Iı, Öö, and Üü. Note that the capital form os ı (called undotted i) is I that of i (the dotted i) is İ.

Türkçe alfabesi 29 harf içerir. Q,w,x oluşmaz. Altı Türkçe harf Amerikali öğrencilere yabancıdır Onlar (ç,ğ,ş,ı,ö, ü).

Letter Name Approximate pronunciation
Aa a as u in sun
Bb b as b in book
Cc ce as j in  jump
Çç çe as ch in chicken
Dd de as d in door
Ee e as e in egg
Ff fe as f in father
Gg ge as g in go
Ğğ soft g as y in yet
Hh he as h in head
I as the second vowel in nation
İi i as  i  in bit
Jj zh as s in measure
Kk ke as k in king
Ll le as l in lemon
Mm me as m in monkey
Nn ne as n in nose
Oo o as o in ocean
Öö ö as eu in French peu
Pp pe as p in parrot
Rr re as r in rock
Ss se as in sit
Şş sh as sh in shoe
Tt te as in table
Uu u as u in pull
Üü ü as ü in über
Vv ve as v in van
Yy ye as y in yellow
Zz ze as z in zebra

1. In general, stress tends to be placed on the last syllable in a word.

1. Genel olarak , vurgu bir kelimenin son hecesinde olma eğilimindedir.

2. Soft “g”

Ğğ (yumuşak g ‘soft g’). This letter never begins and ends a word.

2. Yumuşak g “Ğğ “: bu harf asla bir kelimeyi başlatmaz veya bitirmez .

And about the spelling; Turkish spelling is phonetic, the same letters always indicating the same sound. Words borrowed from other languages are frequently spelled out phonetically.

  • Şevrole: Chevrolet
  • Çörçil: Churchill

Note: any sequence of vowel immediately followed by vowel is to be pronounce with a full stop between the two vowels.

This was The Turkish alphabet and some points about it. If you have any questions about it, please share them with us in the comments section.

You can also check out the Turkish Grammar page to read other grammatical articles.